3D/4D Ultrasound Studio
Serving Michigan and More, located in Grand Blanc
Call or Text 810-953-1533​
​We capture stunning 3D/4D ultrasound images during a beautiful time in life...pregnancy
3D/4D Ultrasound
Q: What is a 3 and 4 dimension ultrasound?
A 3D ultrasound scan of your baby develops the image of your baby so you can see him or her in 3D. This enables you to see tissue, substance and features of your baby. At Baby's Image in 3D we give mom, dad, family and friends the opportunity to see your baby in 3D to deepen the bond with your future bundle of joy. The 4D brings motion to the ultrasound! In this dimension you can actually see your baby moving within the womb.
It's an amazing experience!
Q: Does this take place the ultrasound from my medical doctor?
This DOES NOT take the place of your regular ultrasound from your physician. An ultrasound at Baby's Image in 3D is an elective procedure, not a medical or diagnostic procedure. We DO NOT screen for abnormalities or provide medical or diagnostic ultrasounds. Our ultrasounds are designed to be a unique way for your to see your baby in 3 and 4 dimension without the need of a doctors referral or insurance. However, you must be receiving prenatal care from a healthcare provider.
Q: Is this type of ultrasound harmful to my baby?
There have been extensive studies done on ultrasound usage during pregnancy and they conclude that ultrasounds have not been shown to cause any harm to mother or baby. Ultrasound scanning is routine for pregnancies and 3 and 4 dimensional ultrasounds use the same methods for scanning as 2 dimensional scans. All ultrasounds utilize sound waves to look inside the body. This technology is similar to sonar. A probe placed on the body emits sound waves into the body. The probe listens for the return echo and generates an image. 3 and 4 dimensional ultrasounds are similar to a conventional scan in terms of exposure.
Q: What can I do to help enhance the ultrasound experience?
Drink LOTS of water! Especially a week before your ultrasound scan. Water helps build up the amniotic fluid around the baby and makes for a more exciting experience seeing baby in 3D and 4D.
Q: How long will the ultrasound last?
The ultrasound will last depending on the package you've purchased. The total time for your appointment will depend on the package you've purchased and the editing and printing process after your scan has been completed. Generally, the total time in the studio lasts about 45 minutes.
Q: Do I need an appointment?
Yes! All our services are by appointment only. Use our BOOK NOW button to book your appointment on our website.
Q: How far along should I be before I have a 3D/4D ultrasound?
Our Amber Package lets you see your sweet baby as early as 8 weeks. We scan starting at 8 weeks because we only offer abdominal ultrasounds. Any earlier than 8 weeks it may be more difficult to see baby through the belly.
As early as 15 weeks we can determine the gender of your baby and you can begin to see wonderful features of your growing baby. For the best view of your baby's developing facial features, we recommend visiting us between 27-37 weeks. It's wonderful to come for your first 3D/4D ultrasound around 15 weeks and then following up between 27-37 weeks to see the wonderment of your baby growing and changing in facial features and personality. Some of the wonderful things you may see is your baby sucking his or her thumb, rubbing eyes, yawning, smiling....all amazing to see in 3D!
Q: Who can join me at my ultrasound appointment?
Anyone you want! Family and friends are welcome! This is why Baby's Image in 3D is here. We want to help you celebrate one of the most blessed events in your life....being pregnant! Bring your family and friends to enjoy this amazing experience. We do have limited seating, however, you can bring up to 10 healthy guests to join you...we'll make sure they all have a great view.
Q: Will I be able to have a perfect image of my baby in 3D?
That's what we're hoping for. Some things are beyond our control. The baby's position, the amount of amniotic fluid, and mommy's body type can sometimes determine the quality of the ultrasound scan. Satisfaction is our goal!
Q: Is the 3D/4D ultrasound covered by insurance?
This is an elective procedure so insurance is not necessary. We do accept Cash, Debit, All Credit Cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay. *Sorry, we don't accept checks. Visit our Ultrasound Packages section to find which package fits your budget.